
Category: Integrating Ideas


The learning outcome I was able to better understand was #2: Be able to integrate their ideas with those of others using summary, paraphrase, quotation, analysis, and synthesis of relevant sources. 

Using all 3 sources, Greenfield, Twenge, and boyd, I had a lot of practice intergrating their quotes into my paper. Also, a few times I didn’t want to use the entire quote so I just paraphrased the information.

Alone, Does He Even Remember Me?

I sit all day long, alone in this small room. I think he even put a picture frame on top of me. Every day after school we would sit and play games together all night long. And before we went to bed we would put our favorite movie on and fall asleep.

Now in college apparently there is “no time” or anything, all I hear all day and night long is ‘Friends’ paying on repeat. There’s never anything fun to do, it’s just work, work and more work. Hopefully this summer things will go back to the way they used to be.

When this summer comes we can stay up all night long and play our favorite games, and when we go to bed we can try watching a new show we haven’t seen yet. Besides all that, while you are at work I will actually be turned off, resting, instead of trying to fill the empty void to make this place seem more like home.

Greenfield Text

I liked the active reading strategy a lot more than chunking everything. I used color coding and one major pro was everything was color coded and easily organized. Some cons that I found with this was time, I’m not sure why exactly but It took me a very long time to get all of this done.

TREAC Paragraph

[TOPIC] Smartphones are a very large part of everyday life, you could even say that my generation, Gen I, cant even live without them. While these phones are a staple of everyday life I still would not go as far to say that they have destroyed our generation. [RESTRICTION] JEAN M. Twenge and her article that was posted into the Alantic seems to cover the more extremes as we talked about it as a class and none of us had experienced the same things. [EVIDENCE] In her article Twenge talks a lot about how kids are no longer doing the same stuff as previous generations like drinking and smoking. This seemed to be a pretty big piece of evidence and it is almost a counter example of how cellphones have not ruined our generation. [ANALYSIS] Using this example it seems to discredit the article because she says it almost like teens not drinking and smoking so much is a bad thing. [CONCLUSION] Overall I think that this evidence needs to just be reexamined so it fits with the more current trends.

Does Social Media Take Over Your Life?

“She also observes that most students are using their cell phones for taking pictures, texting, or sharing a screen image with a friend; in contrast, most of the adults in attendance are more fixated on their screens and less social with others around them(2).”

“She contends that although the social media platforms may vary and change, the reasons that teens use social media stay constant, such as independence (21), friendship (18), and identity (17) and social media help to fulfill their need to interact publicly (8).”

“Many adults I meet assume that their own childhoods were better and richer, simpler and safer, than the digitally mediated ones contemporary youth experience…The research I present here suggests that the opposite is often true” (16).

These were the three main quotes of the summary I feel, epically the third one here. I really feel like that quote is what completes her point of view because it is often our parents that get upset with social media.

Connected, But Alone?

Sherry Turkle made her TED talk I feel to address the major issues with technology today. People don’t know how to talk to each other, instead they stare at their phones and are unfocused. Kids in class don’t listen, they’re too busy shopping or on facebook, and it is the same with adults at conferences. She even used her own daughter as an example and showing just how truly addicted we are to our phones.

3 Styles of Learning

In Bains book “What the Best College Students Do”, he states that there are 3 kinds of learners in the world. Strategic, surface, and deep learners. Most often or not people are surface learners, and if not that they are strategic, like myself, and then there are the deep learners that Bain argues everyone should be like. Bain states “They can become bored with the school and suffer from major bouts of anxiety and even depression. They often don’t enjoy taking on new problems. Most important, they don’t learn much”. This is something that happened to me as I was told my whole life that it’s the grade that matters. I picked up ways to finish math problems easier or write a paper fast so that I could just get the work done, never retaining a lot of it. This is something that I’m hoping to work on over the next 4 years is to absorb all of the knowledge that I can and find new ways to become a better learner.

Growth Mindset

Through my years at school I have had a growth mindset when it came to most things. Sports epically, but focusing more on school there was always a few things I was stuck on. Ever since I was a kid I’ve cruised through school, I never once went out of my way to face a challenge, I always backed down away from it. Now being in college mostly all the work that I have gotten has been challenging one way or another, therefore I am finding myself wanting to back away from each challenge.

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