Active reading was something similar to peer review where I had done it in the past but just to show the teacher that it was done. I had never actually engaged into a piece of text and made sure that I comprehended what I was reading. In the Gilroy reading she states something I wish I would have read at the beginning of the semester “Take the information apart, look at its parts, and then try to put it back together again in language that is meaningful to you…”, this was something that took a lot of practice. Since I have a very basic vocabulary a lot of the words I would read I wouldn’t really know what they meant, so taking the time to even just write a small blurb helped when I had to go back and look at my readings. With the readings from class, making sure that I truly understood the material helped me a tremendous amount. With a further understand of course material I realized that I could apply these things to other classes that I was in, particularly Biology. I found from our course readings that using the chunking method was what worked best for me. Somewhere that I know I have to continue to improve upon is my note taking skills and making sure that I go back and review what I already read for complete comprehension. Another thing that I have to work on is when reading for a paper that I have to write, I need to start marking potential quotes that I could use to support my argument as well as making a nay sayer argument to make my paper credible. Overall this class has greatly affected my reading habits, and in the areas that I didn’t improve or make as much progress as I would have liked I am conscientious about what needs to be done for the future.
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