Reflection on Podcast: This was one of the more difficult projects I have done here at UNE. Probably because I have never had any practice with making podcasts. Honestly I am not a big fan of the results, I hated the time restriction. I felt like I had a lot more detail and information that could truly help make it better.
Really enjoyed your podcast and the unique format, I liked how you interviewed two other people who were very different from one another to give the listener an understanding that everyone has a different mindset and learning style. I liked the intro music and again the fact that you made the unique decision to interview others and get their ideas on mindsets and learning styles made your podcast a lot more interesting. A recommendation I would make for next time is to do some more experimentation with the software and maybe find some ways to add more flare like background music.
Hello! So I really liked the length and beat of this podcast. It was easy to listen to and went at a nice sustainable pace. I thought it was interesting how you added both a narrative and interview style into one podcast. I really liked the music at the beginning and would have liked to hear some at the end too. Overall I enjoyed what your podcast had to offer.