
3 Styles of Learning

In Bains book “What the Best College Students Do”, he states that there are 3 kinds of learners in the world. Strategic, surface, and deep learners. Most often or not people are surface learners, and if not that they are strategic, like myself, and then there are the deep learners that Bain argues everyone should be like. Bain states “They can become bored with the school and suffer from major bouts of anxiety and even depression. They often don’t enjoy taking on new problems. Most important, they don’t learn much”. This is something that happened to me as I was told my whole life that it’s the grade that matters. I picked up ways to finish math problems easier or write a paper fast so that I could just get the work done, never retaining a lot of it. This is something that I’m hoping to work on over the next 4 years is to absorb all of the knowledge that I can and find new ways to become a better learner.

1 Comment

  1. athoms

    While reading I noticed that you did correctly frame these quotes in the way that “They Say I Say” suggested you to. I noticed the text to self connections and the deep vs strategic. The only thing I would change is the way that you said “Bain states” instead of using a word that suggests more emotion such as Bain argues or Bain insists. That is the only thing I noticed everything else sounds great to me.

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